Garden Mums (short for Chrysanthemums) come in wide array of colors such as bright yellow, red, white, purple and orange. Chrysanthemums usually bloom in late summer/fall. Mums typically need an average of 6-hours of sunlight per day. They are great to plant with other cool weather plants such as dianthus, alyssum, dusty miller and ornamental grasses. Chrysanthemum's impressive blooms will be perfect for your garden containers, patio, deck and flower beds. Get yours today to begin this fall season with lots of beautiful bright bold colors of garden Mums.
Mature size of 3 ft. tall x 3 ft. W
Grows and flowers best in full sun
Winter hardy in USDA zones 5 to 9
Botanical name: chrysanthemum
Keep your mums properly watered for great color all season
Blooms in cool weather late Summer, Fall
Prefers acidic soil
Perfect for your fall garden and landscape